金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
发表于 2004-7-11 23:29:00
IMDB Top100 你看过多少?
名 得票
1 教父 Godfather, The(1972) 9.0/10 (88730 votes)
2 肖申克的救赎 Shawshank Redemption, The(1994) 8.9/10 (110618 votes)
3 教父续集 Godfather: Part II, The(1974) 8.8/10 (52011 votes)
4 魔戒3:王者归来 Lord of the Rings: The Return 8.8/10 (50498 votes)
of the King, The(2003)
5 魔戒2:双塔奇兵 Lord of the Rings: 8.8/10 (75453 votes)
The Two Towers, The(2002)
6 卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca(1942) 8.7/10 (51360 votes)
7 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身 Lord of the Rings: 8.7/10 (119108 votes)
The Fellowship of the Ring, The(2001)
8 辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List(1993) 8.7/10 (75348 votes)
9 七武士 Shichinin no samurai(1954) 8.7/10 (21755 votes)
10 星球大战 Star Wars(1977) 8.7/10 (107511 votes)
11 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane(1941) 8.7/10 (47872 votes)
12 飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975) 8.6/10 (53761 votes)
13 奇爱博士 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned 8.6/10 (48601 votes)
to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb(1964)
14 后窗 Rear Window(1954) 8.6/10 (31322 votes)
15 星球大战之帝国反击战 Star Wars: Episode V - 8.6/10 (82768 votes)
The Empire Strikes Back(1980)
16 夺宝奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981) 8.6/10 (73858 votes)
17 嫌疑惯犯 Usual Suspects, The(1995) 8.6/10 (81113 votes)
18 记忆碎片 Memento(2000) 8.6/10 (65885 votes)
19 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction(1994) 8.6/10 (98027 votes)
20 谍影疑云 North by Northwest(1959) 8.5/10 (27885 votes)
21 十二怒汉 12 Angry Men(1957) 8.5/10 (21433 votes)
22 天使爱美丽 Fabuleux destin 8.5/10 (41444 votes)
1d'Amélie Poulain, Le(2001)
23 惊魂记 Psycho(1960) 8.5/10 (42531 votes)
24 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia(1962) 8.5/10 (24102 votes)
25 独行侠勇破地狱门 Buono, il brutto, 8.5/10 (19286 votes)
il cattivo, Il(1966)
26 沉默的羔羊 Silence of the Lambs, The(1991) 8.5/10 (72620 votes)
27 风云人物 It's a Wonderful Life(1946) 8.5/10 (32732 votes)
28 好家伙 Goodfellas(1990) 8.5/10 (50914 votes)
29 美国丽人 American Beauty(1999) 8.4/10 (85852 votes)
30 日落大道 Sunset Blvd.(1950 ) 8.4/10 (11799 votes)
31 迷魂记 Vertigo(1958) 8.4/10 (26457 votes)
32 黑客帝国 Matrix, The(1999) 8.4/10 (111840 votes)
33 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now(1979) 8.4/10 (49236 votes)
34 钢琴家 Pianist, The(2002) 8.4/10 (17331 votes)
35 杀死一只知更鸟 To Kill a Mockingbird(1962) 8.4/10 (23064 votes)
36 狂沙十万里 C'era una volta il West(1968) 8.3/10 (10389 votes)
37 第三者 Third Man, The(1949) 8.3/10 (14134 votes)
38 热情如火 Some Like It Hot(1959) 8.3/10 (19260 votes)
39 光荣之路 Paths of Glory(1957) 8.3/10 (10601 votes)
40 出租车汽车司机 Taxi Driver(1976) 8.3/10 (35600 votes)
41 千与千寻 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi(2001) 8.3/10 (13327 votes)
42 格斗俱乐部 Fight Club(1999) 8.3/10 (80757 votes)
43 上帝之城 Cidade de Deus(2002) 8.3/10 (9197 votes)
44 Boot, Das(1981) 8.3/10 (22254 votes)
45 Double Indemnity(1944) 8.3/10 (8891 votes)
46 唐人街 Chinatown(1974) 8.3/10 (19491 votes)
47 幕后嫌疑犯 L.A. Confidential(1997) 8.3/10 (55755 votes)
48 雨中曲 Singin' in the Rain(1952) 8.3/10 (15779 votes)
49 M M(1931) 8.3/10 (8830 votes)
50 枭巢喋血战 Maltese Falcon, The(1941) 8.3/10 (15389 votes)
51 梦之安魂曲 Requiem for a Dream(2000) 8.3/10 (31482 votes)
52 桂河大桥 Bridge on the River Kwai, The(1957) 8.3/10 (17460 votes)
53 彗星美人 All About Eve(1950) 8.3/10 (10102 votes)
54 七宗罪 Se7en(1995) 8.3/10 (66262 votes)
55 巨蟒和圣杯 Monty Python and the Holy Grail(1975) 8.3/10 (46435 votes)
56 拯救大兵雷恩 Saving Private Ryan(1998) 8.2/10 (78566 votes)
57 愤怒的公牛 Raging Bull(1980) 8.2/10 (19657 votes)
58 罗生门 Rashômon(1950) 8.2/10 (8172 votes)
59 绿野仙踪 Wizard of Oz, The(1939) 8.2/10 (30050 votes)
60 异形 Alien(1979) 8.2/10 (48576 votes)
61 骗中骗 Sting, The(1973) 8.2/10 (18358 votes)
62 史密斯先生到华盛顿 Mr. Smith Goes to 8.2/10 (8924 votes)
63 美国X档案 American History X(1998) 8.2/10 (42482 votes)
64 美丽人生 Vita è bella, La(1997) 8.2/10 (29665 votes)
65 这个杀手不太冷 Léon(1994) 8.2/10 (37550 votes)
66 谍影迷魂 Manchurian Candidate, The(1962) 8.2/10 (10078 votes)
67 历劫佳人 Touch of Evil(1958) 8.2/10 (9148 votes)
68 碧血金沙 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The(1948) 8.2/10 (7930 votes)
69 2001太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey(1968) 8.2/10 (52010 votes)
70 大逃亡 Great Escape, The(1963) 8.2/10 (14867 votes)
71 落水狗 Reservoir Dogs(1992) 8.2/10 (50318 votes)
72 发条橙子 Clockwork Orange, A(1971) 8.2/10 (49909 votes)
73 卧虎藏龙 Wo hu cang long(2000) 8.2/10 (41583 votes)
74 莫扎特传 Amadeus(1984) 8.2/10 (29000 votes)
75 摩登时代 Modern Times(1936) 8.2/10 (7450 votes)
76 乱 Ran(1985) 8.2/10 (8683 votes)
77 码头风云 On the Waterfront(1954) 8.2/10 (9236 votes)
78 安妮·霍尔 Annie Hall(1977) 8.2/10 (16119 votes)
79 大白鲨 Jaws(1975) 8.2/10 (36338 votes)
80 勇敢的心 Braveheart(1995) 8.1/10 (72266 votes)
81 正午 High Noon(1952) 8.1/10 (9344 votes)
82 公寓春光 Apartment, The(1960) 8.1/10 (8364 votes)
83 冰血暴 Fargo(1996) 8.1/10 (52080 votes)
84 异形续集 Aliens(1986) 8.1/10 (50395 votes)
85 列车上的陌生人 Strangers on a Train(1951) 8.1/10 (7798 votes)
86 灵异第六感 Sixth Sense, The(1999) 8.1/10 (75160 votes)
87 闪灵 Shining, The(1980) 8.1/10 (37876 votes)
88 海底总动员 Finding Nemo(2003) 8.1/10 (21605 votes)
89 银翼杀手 Blade Runner(1982) 8.1/10 (60555 votes)
90 大都会 Metropolis(1927) 8.1/10 (8773 votes)
91 鸭羹 Duck Soup(1933) 8.1/10 (7567 votes)
92 死亡幻觉 Donnie Darko(2001) 8.1/10 (26893 votes)
93 将军号 General, The(1927) 8.1/10 (5023 votes)
94 城市之光 City Lights(1931) 8.1/10 (5678 votes)
95 杀死比尔 Kill Bill: Vol. 1(2003) 8.1/10 (26983 votes)
96 公主新娘 Princess Bride, The(1987) 8.1/10 (43096 votes)
97 大独裁者 Great Dictator, The(1940) 8.1/10 (7319 votes)
98 Sjunde inseglet, Det(1957) 8.1/10 (6731 votes)
99 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2(1999) 8.1/10 (31076 votes)
100 天堂电影院 Nuovo cinema Paradiso(1989) 8.1/10 (10614 votes)
大家停水吧~寂寞会暴走的~(To 寂寞~偶这贴给你插上点电影资料好了……你有什么资料传给偶哈)
如果考G的话……去Fort Detrick?救命……-_-|||||
汗……偶也水了…… |