金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
It has been one of my greatest fears. The truth started to sink in and I don't know what is in the void.
To be or not to be, it's a question.
I once laughed at the matter. Being naive was one of the sweetness that I have missed by giving up my identity.
It always rains here. Napoleon didn't settle here, Julius Caesar didn't settle here. But it rained.
And it had a double rainbow.
Leprechauns says that rainbows are always there in the sky, but few can see it. Then why am I seeing a double rainbow?
My sensory neurones tells me it is the Mid Summer's Day. The longest day ever in Britain and I went to bed while it's still bright.
England lost. Utterly disgraceful but they lost. I have seen people being put under pressure, those who were once great.
And the blame came from the ignorant public.
If you can't fight them, join them.
Ignorant tube staff will strike again tomorrow, but I have my first meeting in the real world. What it'll be like to step out there I don't know.
I came from the darkness. I will step into the bright sunshine and it will blind me.
I remembered you. I came here looking for what I lost, but it is lost. When you rewind the time things change. Dramatically.
The Butterfly Effect.
I dreamed to be a butterfly, but I wasn't sure if I was dreaming of the butterfly or a butterfly was dreaming about me.
In the end that I was neither me nor the butterfly.
================ THE END ========================
答:您看懂了么?看懂了?比我强。我自个都没懂。这个世界真真假假虚虚实实不知谁去信任谁去鄙视,爱我的我爱的一个个的失去...... 别天还会有太阳吗?
PS. Written 3 days before my Work Experience. |