金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
发表于 2005-3-22 13:25:43
回复: lara的私人电影收藏茶座,更新至No.17 行走在世界边缘的无辜青春——岩井俊二《
Part One
LS=黎叔 WL=王丽 WB=王博 SG=傻根 P2=警察2(女)XY=小叶 SY=四眼 J1=劫匪1 J2=范伟
ls: I'm very old...My legd aren't so good...Make a space for me...
WB:Sorry.This seat is taken.Sorry,sorry.
SG:Grandpa,sit here!(WL:Mind your won business!)
WB:Here,I'll help you find a spot(good seat)
LS:There are none.
WB:Sure there are(有有有)
LS:.My legd aren't so good any more......
LS:Where's the seat?
WB:You're a good actor.Listen up.You and I are the same,wolves.That lamb belongs to me.(那只羊我吃定了)
LS:What?I don't understand......
SB:Cut the crap!(别骗我了!)(黎叔起身,停止装老头)You perfomance isn't bad(你演得还挺像的)Playing lame(怎么瘸来着)...Like this?And this?
LS:Drag the legs a bit more(脚再拖点地!)
Part Two
SG:Big brother,It's your turn!(大哥该你了!从厕所走出)The bathroom is free!
SG:Big Brother? What's wrong?Why are you so sad?
SG(跺脚):Say something? What is it?Tell me what's wrong!
SG:What is it?
WB(吸鼻子):Your big sister is...is...She is a real saint(大好人),isn't she?
WB:She is happy all the day,isn't she?
WB:But she doesn't know...She doesn't have long to live...
SG:What disease does she have?Can't it be cured?
WB(唉声叹气):It's terminal(绝症)
SG:What's terminal?
WB(泣不成声):She's dying and there's nothing we can do.It's hopeless...
SG:Really?You're just giving up?
WB:I was taking her to Beijing for treatment...But...(吸鼻子)But I don't have the money.
SG(跟着哭):How much does it costs?
WB:A lot...A lot...I'll never earn so much in my entire life(我一辈子也赚不了那么多钱).....
Your big brother is useless(是你大哥没用)...I wish I could sell myself(我想把自己给卖了).......
WB:Listen to me:You can't let her know.Promise me.We have to keep her happy,for however long she has left(能过几天就过几天).Understand?EN?A real man should cry!
Part Three.
The purpose of this trip,Is to train our team in a real situation,and to test our new members.(这次出来,一是通过实战锻炼队伍,而是考察新人。)Those deserving sprcial praise are(在这里我要特别提出表扬的是)...Little leaf(小叶),and four eyes(和四眼).Although new to the trade...They've not only surpassed themselves,but even the old guard here(两位虽然刚刚入道,不但突破了自己,也超越了在座的前辈。)
SY:Uncle Lee,no matter what happens,I'll do my very best!(以后有什么是我一定尽力)
LS(握住四眼的手):In our work together I hope you will all strive to keep reaching new heights.(希望你们在今后的工作中,百尺竿头,更上一步)
SY(挽起袖子一看):A gold watch!
Part four
JF1(小声说):This is a robbery.It's a robbery!
J2:Right!Robbery!It's a robbery!
LS:Can's stand you armes robber types(我最烦你们这帮打劫的).No teachnical skills whatsoever(一点技术含量也没有)
LS:Everyone sit down.sit down.It's a robbery.
J2:All your cards!Hurry it up!(各种卡啊!快主动啊!)
J2(看到WL):Big brother(J1:啊?)Just a moment.I want to steal some beauty(我要劫个色-_-)
(J2一脸色相走向WL):IC cards,IP cards and IQ cards,I want the passwords to all of them(ICIPIQ卡,通通告诉我密码-_-)
WB(举手):Excuse me,Mr robber,there aren's IQ cards(报告打劫的,没有IQ卡)
J2:Why not(怎么没有?)?
WB:I have an IQ,but you can't.(我有IQ,你没有)
J2:Well,if you give me yours,then I'd have one!(把你得给我我不就有了吗!)
WB(学J2结巴):You can't use it!(给你你也用不了)
J2:Id you gave me the password,I c-c-could use it!(把密码给我我就能用)
WB:There is no password.IQ is intellgence quotient.(没有密码。IQ是智商!)
J2:What's that?Hand it over!(之上是什么东西,拿来!)
WB:It means brains(智商是脑子!)
J1:You are thick!He's saying you have no brains!
J2(发火):You are one with out brains!
J1:I didn't say you had no brains!He did!
J1(更发火):You said I have no brains!
WB:I didn;t say you had no brains.I say you lackce mind(我说你缺心眼)
J2(怒气冲天,举起斧头):What if I cake your head off!
J2:What‘s that in your hand?
J2(一把抢走):Hand it over!(打开一看是冥币)
WB(一脸懊丧):It's a gift for my daddy(这是孝敬我爹的)
J2:I'm your daddy now!(我现在就是你爹!)You think I'm stupid?Tjos os the money they give dead people!
J1:You're not taking this seriously!(严肃点严肃点!)No laughting!This is a robbery!
J2:You think this is funny?(举起斧头)You know what this is?
J2:Walst..Your walst......What are you hiding there?
P2:Nothing.Feel for yourself(不信你摸)
J2(一脸奸笑):You'll let me feel you(你让我摸的啊)?
P2:Feel something?(摸到了吗?)What is it?
J1:What?Tell me if you feel anything!(摸着什么了你说话呀!)
J1 J2等人立刻卧倒。
自己打字的,天下无贼的英文字幕,累啊。上周作课本剧用的 |