回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
bad news first, then good news.our class sucks., that's all i wanna say... the whole class sucks...
this is the only Chem.II AP class in our school, so our school sucks too
the highest score was only a 67.5/70, which is not a really good score to be the highest.
回复: here's something for NG
回复: here's something for NG
THAT'S COOL TATreally? glad u like it^^
i took pix in my classrooms, like a room of NInjas and pirates studying... but it was too dark... :030:i cant' turn on the flash since that mean teacher was just outside...
so i had to delete them...
those 4 are the only goodones....
hehe, i was a ninja today too~(but im sorry, i was the one who held the camera the whole time... so you cant see me:014:
回复: here's something for NG
really? glad u like it^^i took pix in my classrooms, like a room of NInjas and pirates studying... but it was too dark... :030: i cant' turn on the ...
Well,I pretty sure you will be the one of the bests~
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
What's the good news? And what's your score anyway?67.5...
i was lucked out.. thats all, i guessed 1 answer right...... the last free response question, i just got it ..right.. that's so weird... b/c she said account the observation...blah blah...... and all i did was the equation, and she didnt take points off on that.. while others wrote the whole page explained everything, and they all got minus 1 on it:028: that was....:028: :028: :028:
回复: here's something for NG
Well,I pretty sure you will be the one of the bests~of course:037: i followed what exactly NG told me, and i was named the best-ninja today.... i told the history of Ninja like what u told me ...hahah, thx... tmr is another dress up day and fall fair (<<bravo), so i will try to take more good pictures^^
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Your score please? 25?i thought ive just told u:029: :029: :029: :029:
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
What kind of Ninja were you, Mel?hehe, i was a little bit colorful, but overall in a really dark costume,,,,, a la~, i was just.. hahahha, imagine urself~!:AF:
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
67.5, Mel?unfortunately for others... yes
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
I wanna see the pictures that you took today."please" please :AF:
回复: here's something for NG
of course:037: i followed what exactly NG told me, and i was named the best-ninja today.... i told the history of Ninja like what u told me ...hahah, ...Glad to hear it~~
I thought thr history was useless for a cosplay party after I sent my mail- -