回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
要一天了……一页还没水出来……回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
加个塞,再帮忙干活去....回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
没水起来是因为没人有空或者有这份闲心来水.....回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
额。。。。一下午也没几个人。。:026:回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
rp结束,一上来看到空茫茫一片。回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
soso马上就要转移阵地了。。。。慈禧捏回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
还没到400阿~~ -v-回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
水区的水楼没了这里也差不多了吧 囧回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
i found a public computer with no chinese transfer at all!~~ and i see squares all over!!回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
i found a public computer with no chinese transfer at all!~~ and i see squares all over!!that happens all the time~ watering watering but nuthin to say!回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
not on a school computer~ there are always some language system that can make it readable~回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
yeah, most of times just go to View on the top bar, then Encoding, and find the corresponding language. it should work (91% )回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
nah... that computer have firewall that you can't setup any of those outer programs...回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
工作工作我也找到工作了~ YEAHYEAH~~~ :027:
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
糖糖给咱点水。。回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
来给了~~ 哗哗哗~~回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
nah... that computer have firewall that you can't setup any of those outer programs...sigh that really sux~:017:
destroy it! (then pay it.....:028: )
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
来给了~~ 哗哗哗~~接着。。
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
sigh that really sux~:017:destroy it! (then pay it.....:028: )
if you force it to setup something there are going to be alarm..:028: