谁的马甲 发表于 2006-7-31 18:06:29

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


已注册的用户名 发表于 2006-7-31 18:16:20

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


无望 发表于 2006-7-31 18:46:27

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


CONAN150022 发表于 2006-7-31 20:18:02

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


rosinia 发表于 2006-7-31 21:30:27

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


daat1928 发表于 2006-7-31 22:48:36

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 00:29:15

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

还没到400阿~~ -v-

surasak 发表于 2006-8-1 01:21:15

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

水区的水楼没了这里也差不多了吧 囧

SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-1 03:46:02

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

i found a public computer with no chinese transfer at all!~~ and i see squares all over!!

4everluv 发表于 2006-8-1 08:56:48

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

i found a public computer with no chinese transfer at all!~~ and i see squares all over!!that happens all the time~ watering watering but nuthin to say!

棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 09:07:37

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

not on a school computer~ there are always some language system that can make it readable~

4everluv 发表于 2006-8-1 09:56:19

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

yeah, most of times just go to View on the top bar, then Encoding, and find the corresponding language. it should work (91% )

谁的马甲 发表于 2006-8-1 10:02:09

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期



棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 10:02:28

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

nah... that computer have firewall that you can't setup any of those outer programs...

棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 10:26:36

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期



工作工作我也找到工作了~ YEAHYEAH~~~ :027:

sperky 发表于 2006-8-1 10:44:31

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 10:49:10

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

来给了~~ 哗哗哗~~

4everluv 发表于 2006-8-1 10:50:13

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

nah... that computer have firewall that you can't setup any of those outer programs...

sigh that really sux~:017:

destroy it! (then pay it.....:028: )

sperky 发表于 2006-8-1 10:53:22

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

来给了~~ 哗哗哗~~

棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-1 10:57:16

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

sigh that really sux~:017:

destroy it! (then pay it.....:028: )
if you force it to setup something there are going to be alarm..:028:
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