CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 19:16:42

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


sperky 发表于 2006-8-2 19:21:22

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 19:22:38

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


sperky 发表于 2006-8-2 19:24:07

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 19:27:29

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

:030: 我。。。。无语。。。这个。。:029:

sperky 发表于 2006-8-2 19:29:19

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 19:31:12

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

:029: 打雷。。。要下雨了

sperky 发表于 2006-8-2 19:32:25

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

还在水啊= =

CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 19:40:56

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

:030: 凉快多了。。。==

kid_corn 发表于 2006-8-2 21:39:43

CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-2 21:46:43

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-2 21:59:26

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

once more~ could't type and read chinese now~ who use english and take to me~ iam bored

SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-2 22:11:23

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

yes... well since we were talking about two diff things at the same time..(which i think is pretty awesome^^) so, it's better to use diff languages so...

i guess i won;t have much energy to get online after work, i was sooo tried yesterday~ yet if i come at my working time, i can read no chinese

SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-2 22:12:11

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

:015: well thas kinda weird, cuz kt88 works great here...

its really really slow at my place!~ well, iam happy with youtube already~ never mind others

CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-3 00:08:44

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-3 00:40:52

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

我在工作的时候只能用英文~ +看不了中文

CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-3 01:17:56

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期


棉花糖糖 发表于 2006-8-3 01:22:40

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

huo zhe ni ke yi da pin yin a ~~ HOHOHO

CONAN150022 发表于 2006-8-3 01:39:05

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

:029: yuan lai he bie ren zhe me wan guo

SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-3 02:10:34

回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期

mei ban fa a~ yao bu ran wo kan bu dong
(you kai shi zhong zuo le )
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