回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
爬爬爬 到400了。。。。回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
那个新人在这里撒野回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
o, i didnt know u r working right now....( lil hint: if they "fire"u, just "water them", that's how firefighters wor...no...im not working right now.. now is night~ i was working in the morning and i will work tomorrow morning
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
I find you both speak English,should i speek English ,too?sure, you will more be welcome to
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
no...im not working right now.. now is night~ i was working in the morning and i will work tomorrow morningso ur in canada too right?
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
糖糖的头~大爱`回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
to candy:o yeah, how far did u get in Ouran HSHC? have u caught up yet?回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
可是可是。。。。你的那个头像那显示你是男的。。。。:012: 男女授受不亲 。。。。lol(表情为“:040: ” 再见,您一个人漂吧。到了楼顶想着帮我叫救护车 )我是女的。。。。又一个被骗
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
to candy:o yeah, how far did u get in Ouran HSHC? have u caught up yet?never heard of youtube? :037:
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糖糖的头~大爱`我也爱的不得了~ haruhi desu :027:
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ok,i know.thank you.er,it's time for me to have lunch,goodbye~~
that means its time for me to sleep..oh so it is alrealy bed time, oh well..:030:
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
4L因该没问题吧... ... ... ... ...
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
泡泡现在被我控制回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
never heard of youtube? :037:yea! so u got like 16 english subbed? there's one website has 17 subbed in chinese, errr. bbsour.com, i think..
i watch it on kt88.net, i think they have the best quality.. well anyways, school orientation tomorrow:026: , im so not ready for school to start yet! (somewhere in nxt 10 days...thas y i hate early start of summer(may 24th))(表情为:002:” 可恶!!!!)
bed time.... goodnight everyone....
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
泡泡现在被我控制ha ?
回复: [柯哀海外联合打造]缤纷假日·因你精彩の幸运水楼 {當當當~~~~海外DI一場﹗﹗延期
泡泡现在被我控制ha ? oh actually i see