

只需一步, 快速开始



楼主: 林原哀




发表于 2005-10-3 00:15:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&歌词专帖

[quote=怪盗キデド]求 《头文字D》 的 NIGHT OF FIRE
帮忙找下 谢谢![/quote]


回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 09:24:24 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&歌词专帖

[quote=catho]求 爱菜里内的START 罗马音[/quote]
SUTA-TO (START) wo kirou kugiri wo tsukete
Negai to akirame no naka wo mou yuruganu youni
Hi ga noboru dakara sono me hirakunjyanai
Mezametai toki dakara koso sono me de taiyou wo mitsukeru
Tsuitsui ne uketori jyouzuna bokura wa
Sonomama jya nakanaka utsukushii mono ni narenainda yone
Bokura daremo ga koete ikitai mono wa
Ataerareru katachi jyanaku kotoba jyanaku
Nazukeyou no nai mono dakara

SUTA-TO wo kirou kimi to RISETTO (reset) shite
Tsugi ni kuru CHANSU (chance) tameshitai
SUTA-TO wo kirou koremade no hi kara
Kimi to mayou ashita demoii
Saa Ready Go! Dokoka e ikitai
Saa Ready Go! Doko e mo ikenai
Saa Ready Go! Kocchi e ittemo docchi e iku no kato
Saa Ready Go! Ikuka modoruka
Saa Ready Go! Ittari kitari
Itteminakerya nani mo mienai
Saa Ready Go!
Nagaku nagai korekara datte
Ima to iu sono shunkan no renzoku desho
Tatta hitotsu no eranda michi wo
Boku ra wa tatta hitotsu no inochi kakete aruku
Sou yume wa kagirareta jikan de shika mirenai
SUTA-TO wo kirou kimi to RISETTO (reset) shite
Tsugi ni kuru CHANSU (chance) tameshitai
SUTA-TO wo kirou kugiri wo tsukete
Ima sugu kokoro wo buttobashite yukou
Jiyuu no hane ni umareta itami ni kibou mo kakugo mo sui agerareteitta
Mou tobitatsu koto wa shinai daroutte kimi ni ne deau made wa
Saa Ready Go! Ikuka modoruka
Saa Ready Go! Ittari kitari
Itteminakerya nani mo mienai
Saa Ready Go!
SUTA-TO wo kirou kimi to RISETTO (reset) shite
Tsugi ni kuru CHANSU (chance) tameshitai
SUTA-TO wo kirou koremade no hi kara
Kimi to negau ashita wo tsukamu
Saa Ready Go! Dokoka e ikitai
Saa Ready Go! Doko e mo ikenai
Saa Ready Go! Kocchi e ittemo docchi e iku no kato
Saa Ready Go! Ikuka modoruka
Saa Ready Go! Ittari kitari
Itteminakerya nani mo mienai
Saa Ready Go!
Saa Ready Go! SUTA-TO wo kirou
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 11:32:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&歌词专帖

求Dream power-翼なき者たちへ-[A.G.A.S]的下载~谢
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 12:22:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&歌词专帖

回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 16:59:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 17:25:40 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

世界 止めて (ED22)
世界 止めて ぎゅっと抱きよせて
涙こぼれ 近づく夜明け
君がくれた温もり 息が詰まりそうなほど
髪に触れる指先 失くすことがこわくて
未来(あした)もしはぐれても 必ず探し出す
世界 止めて ぎゅっと抱きしめて
今は 弱い光だとしても
いつしか眠った君 呼吸合わせてみれば
だんだんずれていくこと 気付いて 胸が軋んだ
こんな宇宙の中で 君に会えて
いつかもしはぐれても 強くなれるだろう
世界 止めて なんて言えなくて
瞳をとじて 指でなぞれば ほら
眠るまつげの先まで全部 君を思い出せる
世界 止めて そっと抱きしめて
今日のこんな 綺麗な夜明け
世界 止めて そっとほほ笑んで
君を照らす まぶしい夜明け
どうぞこのまま 二人包んで
どうかこのまま 世界を止めて…

sekai tometegyuttodakiyosete
namidakoboure konntukuyoake
kimigakuretakurori ikigatumarisounahodo
kaminihureruyubisaki nakusukotogakowakute
hutarimusububitukeru konoinryokude
asitamosihaguretemo kanarazusagasidasu
sekai tometegyuttodakiyosete
imahayowai hikaridatositemo
itusikanemututakimi kokyuuawasetemireba
dandanzureteikukoto kizuite munegabisinda
konnaucyuunonakade kiminiaete
itukamosibaguretemo tuyokunarerudarou
seikai tomete nanteienakute
hitomiwotojite yubidenazoreba hora
nemurumatukeno sakimadezenbukimiwoomoidaseru
sekai tometegyuttodakiyosete
seigaitomete sottohohoende
kimiwotterasu mamusiiyoake
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 18:01:26 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖



8.9M [URL=http://javascript<b></b>:openDownloadWindow(2395646)][/URL] [SHUFFLE!][op].mp3

6626612480614032 2005-10-06 17:54

11M  [SHUFFLE!][ed].mp3

6226214305511249 2005-10-06 18:00

OP ED 都在了
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 18:10:34 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 19:31:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖


回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 21:35:27 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

&#27714;: 1.M9 &#29255;&#23614;&#26354;,&#39034;&#20415;&#21578;&#35785;&#25105;&#28436;&#21809;&#32773;&#20960;&#27468;&#21517;
    2.&#12298;&#23547;&#25214;&#28385;&#26376;&#12299;&#65288;&#12298;Full Moon&#12299;&#65289;&#29255;&#23614;&#26354;---&#12298;Angel&#12299;
    3&#12290;&#12298;&#21704;&#38647;&#23567;&#23376;&#12299;&#65288;&#12298;&#28909;&#24102;&#38632;&#26519;&#30340;&#26292;&#31505;&#29983;&#27963;&#12299;&#65289; &#29255;&#22836;&#26354;--&#12298;LOVE&#8230;&#8230;&#12299;
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-3 23:19:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖


&#20197;&#21450;SHUFFLE&#65281;OP&#21644;&#30002;&#36154;&#24525;&#27861;&#24086; OP&#30340;&#26085;&#25991;+&#20013;&#25991;&#27468;&#35789;
回复 喝彩 无视

使用道具 举报


发表于 2005-10-3 23:26:49 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-4 00:31:13 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖


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发表于 2005-10-4 01:05:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

[quote=jtr99]&#27714;: 1.M9 &#29255;&#23614;&#26354;,&#39034;&#20415;&#21578;&#35785;&#25105;&#28436;&#21809;&#32773;&#20960;&#27468;&#21517;
2.&#12298;&#23547;&#25214;&#28385;&#26376;&#12299;&#65288;&#12298;Full Moon&#12299;&#65289;&#29255;&#23614;&#26354;---&#12298;Angel&#12299;
3&#12290;&#12298;&#21704;&#38647;&#23567;&#23376;&#12299;&#65288;&#12298;&#28909;&#24102;&#38632;&#26519;&#30340;&#26292;&#31505;&#29983;&#27963;&#12299;&#65289; &#29255;&#22836;&#26354;--&#12298;LOVE&#8230;&#8230;&#12299;[/quote]
M9 &#20027;&#39064;&#26354; &#22799;&#12434;&#24453;&#12388;&#12475;&#12452;&#12523;(&#24070;)&#12398;&#12424;&#12358;&#12395;.mp3
&#25991;&#20214;&#25552;&#21462;&#30721;&#65306; 6066050693715132
&#28436;&#21809;&#32773; ZARD

[TV][OP][Love Tropicana].mp3 &#28909;&#24102;&#38632;&#26519;&#30340;&#26292;&#31505;&#29983;&#27963;TV OP
&#25991;&#20214;&#25552;&#21462;&#30721;&#65306; 6976967826414895
回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-4 09:22:24 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖


回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-4 09:28:37 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

回复 喝彩 无视

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发表于 2005-10-4 09:56:01 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

&#37027;&#20960;&#39318;&#25214;&#19981;&#21040;&#23601;&#31639;&#20102;,&#25105;&#30456;&#20449;&#21508;&#20301;&#37117;&#36153;&#24515;&#24110;&#22312;&#19979;&#25214;&#20102;.&#20877;&#27714;&#19968;&#39318;,&#19982;SHE<&#21035;&#35828;&#23545;&#19981;&#36215;>&#26059;&#24459;&#19968;&#26679;,&#30001;&#24067;&#20848;&#23612;&#28436;&#21809;&#30340;every time
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发表于 2005-10-4 13:13:12 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

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发表于 2005-10-4 13:29:30 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖

[quote=june1989]求stay by my side&secret of my heart的英文词[/quote]
Secret of my heart
Starlit night the roof tops
I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel?
Our happy times were they real? So I wonder
Shooting star falls as if to tell a happy end
will come because you by my side always a smile
but all the white, there's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you
Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
If will shine on through, my love will shine out true
give a little time, I'm looking for a sign
you know I'm waiting for my chance
So quiet now, winds whisper true to me
I feel a need, to scream out loud there things I feel
celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you
So here we are, together once again you seem to walk
this little distance from my side your face it seems so sad
I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
Secret of my heart can you understand those parts
Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone
In my heart I know I must let our love grow
I can't say why, I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
Can I tell the truth? No words come my mind
They escape from my lips to the clouds above
Feeling in my heart, I can't hide, I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you
I will be with you Wherever you are Can you feel my heart?
Can't see you're in my heart but things may break apart
Maybe one day it's difficult to say how long to hearts can beat as one
But I know now all some no change will come unless I play the game
I just wanna say, I think I might be ready baby
Can't see you're in my dreams I can't lose you baby, see?
Every time we meet every time we're near boy, gives all meaning to my life
Baby don't get down, someday I will come around
Secret of my heart Our future is forever

Stay By My Side
I want to know when it was my heart began to feel this love inside
So suddenly I found you ever since can't get you off my mind

Since I realized these feelings, I spend hours staring at the skies
In this new world, I'm reborn, I hope it never disappears
So the stormy waves that circle 'round us never drown our love
Dream On Sky High in these dreams our love will fly

Stay by my side, This feeling of our's has only begun now
Holding you my heart feels lifted to the clouds
Stay by my side, I can because you see right to my soul babe
I'm no longer alone now I have your love to live for
Take me to your dream, I will walk with you

Can you stay please don't ever leave stay until dawn shines our love clear
It may feel a little too fast hold my hand, there is nothing to fear

And the sparks of love from your eyes brings your heart closer to mine
Warmth of my hand in yours I hope it'll never disappear
So the love we share together won't be washed away by time
Dream On Sky High our hopes will come true fi we fry

Stay by my side, does the light of my love shine in you baby?
When all of those times I cried into your arms?
Stay by my side, you can because I know You'll be there for me
"No need to cry" \you tell me, "I'll do it all for you so
Take me to your dream" I'll share it with you

Stay by my side, This feeling of our's has only begun now
Holding your hand we walk into eternity

Stay by my side, does the light of my love shine in you baby?
Stay by my side, and let the dreamy sky of summer take us
Together to this world spun out by our love

Stay by my side, until that day we join, ort hearts as one boy
This world we share can last forever

Stay by my side just hold my hand forever baby
Stay by my side don't run away don't be afraid
Stay by my side never cry again
Stay by my side hold on dream
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发表于 2005-10-4 14:50:02 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 音乐厅の求歌&amp;歌词专帖


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