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楼主: 赫兰

[联盟活动] English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 07:07:51 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

ala~~~ webmaster sounds really weird= =....... call me anything but that please= = thx^^

oh mel u don want me there= =..... i hav nerd in my skool 2^^ ull just get embarrased by me... like in a presentation, i would laugh my head off at a conselor wearing the same shirt that maches the panflicts that he's handing out and i would burst out laughing 4 no particular reason that ppl could understand randomly....

there's 2 many 2 name alrite= =
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:07:54 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Melvina (Mel)]i wish im just a regular club member so i can practice and become smarter.... that's what i did last yr... and this year, i was completely an idiot. a...[/quote]
That's bad...
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 07:09:53 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Nemesis-G]Well,to me,a 斑竹 should loved by the members first.
So let's throw the responsible in to the second....[/quote]

ala~~~~~ mine's not even second:029:
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:10:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Well time's up,still have exam today
It's so happy to talk with you all,Mel,Hidden and 兰JJ.FREELY.
Thank you,,best wishes.
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:11:46 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=赫兰]ala~~~ webmaster sounds really weird= =....... call me anything but that please= = thx^^

oh mel u don want me there= =..... i hav nerd in my skool 2...[/quote]
hahhaha, that's so halirious~~~hahahhahahhaaa
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:13:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Nemesis-G]Well time's up,still have exam today
It's so happy to talk with you all,Mel,Hidden and 兰JJ.FREELY.
Thank you,,best wishes.[/quote]
:039: luv ya
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:14:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

Good luck on your exam, NG!%&013
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:15:16 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

So, Mel, do you have any acdamic problem now?
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 07:15:47 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

babye!!! good luck NG !!! kisses

mel: isn't it???  those nerds in my science class wouldn't get it!!

and once in science my teacher was like: "now what do i do?" (naming formulas... like carbon DI oxide, we're at the point where we need to put the "DI" part in)
and everyone was like "DI!!" (sound exactly like "die")

i was LAUGHing my head off!!!! but no one else seems to hear it= =
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:15:56 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Nemesis-G]Well,to me,a 斑竹 should loved by the members first.
So let's throw the responsible in to the second....[/quote]
maybe i should go and run for some "bamboo"" too.(lol u get it righ?)
i dont water anywhere but here ...so mel do u think u can make me English Chatroom Babysitter or something like that???
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:17:11 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=赫兰]babye!!! good luck NG !!! kisses

mel: isn't it??? those nerds in my science class wouldn't get it!!

and once in science my teacher was like:...[/quote]
omg, i would laugh my head off too.....lol ha
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:19:56 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

awww, it must be fun to have class with u...,..i would laugh my head off too...
science... that remind me something... the science room we are having now...
last year, there was a chair... and some drawing there....
there was a picture of a persons butt and with white paint-ish stuff, with the words "place ur ass here..."
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 07:21:20 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Melvina (Mel)]maybe i should go and run for some "bamboo"" too.(lol u get it righ?)
i dont water anywhere but here ...so mel do u think u can make me...[/quote]

ala~~~ babysitter??? might hav 2 find some babies here first lolz~~~~~~~~~~

i water everywhere= =........before.....

now i hardly ever water anymore..... ala...
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:23:58 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

70..... i will have tons of questions for u....  having personal attentions make me study better... i thank u in advance ....thx
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 07:25:03 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Melvina (Mel)]awww, it must be fun to have class with u...,..i would laugh my head off too...
science... that remind me something... the science room we are having ...[/quote]

lolz... that's must be really intresting^^ i would be staring at it and laugh stupidly all the time lolz....

skool's fun lolz, except the times u actually hav 2 work
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:25:34 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=赫兰]ala~~~ babysitter??? might hav 2 find some babies here first lolz~~~~~~~~~~

i water everywhere= =........before.....

now i hardly ever water any...[/quote]
i type chinese slow= =...htat'y i like water here...i bet 1000 of my posts are here
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:26:20 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=赫兰]ala~~~ babysitter??? might hav 2 find some babies here first lolz~~~~~~~~~~

i water everywhere= =........before.....

now i hardly ever water any...[/quote]

So. What kind of name that you are expecting me to call you?:015: :015:
Because I am using a school computer, and it can't type chinese.:029: (SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!!!!)
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:27:58 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=赫兰]lolz... that's must be really intresting^^ i would be staring at it and laugh stupidly all the time lolz....

i did... i heard that during lunch which is b/t my class... then after lunch we were back in the classroom.... i was just there giggling about it....and those nerd ppl just look at me and like"what happened...?:029: "
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:29:31 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=Melvina (Mel)]70..... i will have tons of questions for u.... having personal attentions make me study better... i thank u in advance ....thx[/quote]

OK. No problem
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发表于 2006-10-13 07:29:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)

[quote=hiddern70]So. What kind of name that you are expecting me to call you?:015: :015:
Because I am using a school computer, and it can't type chinese.:029: (SO SO...[/quote]
her name is mel too.... u can call her mel using  lower case "m" since shes younger than me... and me= Mel..... is it fine with u mel?
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