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本帖最后由 Nemesis-G 于 2010-10-16 07:37 编辑
I got my hands on a set of book call "Those Things in Ming Dynasty"(明朝那些事儿, this is my translation so feel free to insert your own version) several years ago. To be honest, they are qualified as masterpieces. One could feel the author's seriousness while reading, that the author is here to tell a great story, not for a quick buck or being an attention whore.
As expected, we have our first copy cat not long after the hit: a set of books call "Those Things in Qing Dynasty"[清朝那些事儿]. I did not read them so I would not say anything negative about them, nor would I say anything positive. After all, Master said that you should not pretend to know something when you actually do not.
Two years passed by and here I am, back in the same bookstore where I first bought "Those Things in Ming Dynasty". What I saw was a crap load of books titled "Those Things in Insert your favourite Dynasty". I was shocked, however I still bought some of them. I know they are copycat's work, but I would still like to give a try. People say "don't judge a book by its cover" after all.
So here are some of my thoughts, expect a lot of swearing because some of these book does really get on my nerves. If that somehow make you feel uncomfortable, I apologize. I censored them all, but feel free to censor them even more in your mind.
Let's talk about some rather good ones before we dive into the crappiness, first one on the list is "Those Fancy Things in Sui Dynasty"[隋朝那些花花事儿]. To be honest, this one is actually not bad. The writing is decent and the comments are fair, although it bears a copycat title, it was actually quite a pleasure to read it. If you are searching some good work in the sea of "Those Things in Insert your favourite Dynasty", this should be the one you are looking for. "Those Fancy Things in Sui Dynasty" is actually a two volume set, the history of Sui Dynasty is rather short after all.
Guess what, that's it. The first one on the list is also the last one on the list. No more Mr. nice book, Mr. piece of crap dead ahead, Captain!
Let's make this one as the appetizer: "Those Things in Han Dynasty"[汉朝那些事儿]. It supposed to be a series simply because you cannot fit 406 years of Han history(211 if Western Han only) in one tiny book. Well, I don't know if there are more out there after I leave my nation, and appearantly the author is keeping up his work online. Anyway, what I am trying to say is I only own the very first volume. I would not say something like "crap", because it is actually OK. Not bad, but not good neither. A strong feeling strucked me as I dig in deeper and deeper through this book, that is the author has no other historical resourses than "Record of History"[史记]. For example, whether Liu Bang had a younger brother is debatable, and Sima Qian supported the idea of "Liu Bang had a younger brother". In "Those Things in Han Dynasty" I cannot see a single word mentioned this debatable historical event. If you think I am nickpicky, turn around and look at how "Those Things in Ming Dynasty" handle the debatable historical events such as "How did Emperor Jian Wen[建文帝] escape from the burning palace", you will know what I am talking about.
Then we have "Those Things in Eastern Han Dynasty"[东汉那些事儿], same as the previous one, it should have a series and I only own the first volume. This one is crappier than "Those Things in Han Dynasty", simply because the writing really make no sense at all. Appearantly the author believes that if he inserts a crap load of modern day song lyrics in the book, and make it look like that those characters from Eastern Han were singing them, it will be cool. Well it is not. In fact, these songs are annoying. It is incredibly inharmonious to see history figures sing like a modern day cheap singer, and most of these songs were forced. Some of these song had their lyric changed in order to fit in, however the fixed lyric itself already look like crap, let alone using them in an inappropriate situation. Some of them are just out of place, like a fly in your soup bowl. This author get carried away way to far, reading his book is like scanning through a collection of lame lyrics, instead of a historical work about Eastern Han.
So now we get the normal one and the bad one out of the way, here is "Those Things in Spring and Autumn Era"[春秋那些事儿], the ultimate s@#$ bomb. Well I do not know if this is the first volume of a series just like the previous two, because in the end of this crap it just says "The Spring and Autumn era came to an end, and the Warring States era had started". This book is about the history of the Kingdom of Wu[吴] and the Kingdom of Yue[越], thus, if it continued, the only way to do so it start it all over again with some other Spring and Autumn state's history. About the book? Oh boy did it suck a#$! The humors are forced and out of place, the historical materials are limited and unclearified, the comments are unfair and self-contradictory, reading this book is just like reading a cheap love novel. Obviously this author is trying to be funny, to do so he introduced a ton of modern languages in the text, and insert them all over his work. Only problem: they are not funny! Is Fu Chai the King of Wu[吴王夫差] say something like "I am a genius and I am awesome, hahahaha" suppose to be funny? I guess not. Is Gou Jian the King of Yue[越王勾践] say something like "Well his s@#$ tastes actually not that bad, I will give you guys a lick if you want to" suppose to be funny? I guess not. So let's do the math: not funny plus not funny, equals NOT F@#$ING FUNNY! On the other hand, the story is just s@#$. I mean, was this guy just blandly translating Spring and Autumn with Commentary by Master Zuo[春秋左传] into modern Chinese? Appearantly he translates the original book chapter by chapter, not even excluding the obvious historical fiction such as "Master Yuan the white monkey who knows how to use sword", or "Two swords turn into two dragons and disappeared in thin air". What makes it even worse is he inserted himself in this mess, a godlike figure in the book who appearently helped certain historical figure and talked to Fu Chai the King of Wu! What. The. F@#$. I believe the book you were writing is NOT a fiction, so could you spare your reader of your ego? After all, as if the book is not s@#$ty enough, none of the lyrics in this book are from Book of Odes[诗经]. Are we really in the Spring and Autumn era?
The last one I am going to rant about is "Those Things in Tang Dynasty"[唐朝那些事儿], I have only one comment about this master-piece-of-s@#$: Who in their right mind gave a green light to the publish of this f@#$ness!?(What, "f@#$ness" is not a word? Well it better be.) This book does not even qualified as s@#$, it is like a s@#$ could s@#$ and that s@#$ could s@#$ and that s@#$ could s@#$ and that s@#$ could s@#$ and that s@#$ could s@#$ and that s@#$ could use computer and come up with this pile of steaming pig s@#$. The introduction is a mess, where are you going to start your story? Are you going to start from Sui Dynasty, because the founders of Sui and Tang has a really close and complicated relationship, and one cannot be clearified without another? Or are you going to start from Tang Dynasty, because oh I don't know, the name of your f@#$ing book is "Those Things in Tang Dynasty"? The author seems just barely following the previous route, but he keeps back tracking and fore tracking. Made up your mind already! Either start from Sui then proceed to Tang(Which is more preferable), or dump the Sui and go for Tang, it is that easy, then pick your f@#$ing poison motherf@#$er! The commentary is completely biased, but that is expectable because you are reading some lowest form of s@#$. The true untolerable thing is in the middle of this s@#$ load of f@#$, the auther used THREE pages to rant about some out of place connection he made, which leads to certain events in Republic of China era. THREE pages! For the love of f@#$, the title of your book is "Those Things in Tang Dynasty", not "Those Things in Republic of China era"! While you click in this article you are expecting to see my rant about books, not my rant about Disney characters(Just saying, I have nothing against Disney characters). Same thing, while I open a book call "Those Things in Tang Dynasty" I am expecting to see commentary and introduction of Tang Dynasty, not the goddamn Republic of China! And you know what is really shocking? After all these s@#$ he put his readers through, this author still got the balls to pull a crappy poem right out of his a@# to show how awesome he is. Jesus Christ man, this book should be called "Those Things about My Ego", because Tang Dynasty is not in the book, the only thing inside is his mutated ego!
In conclusion? Well, if you really liked "Those Things in Ming Dynasty", and while you walk in a book store you see a crap load of book all named ""Those Things in.....", what do you do? LET THEM ROT.