回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
hw of what?I just finish rewrite my essay.
:028: :029: :030:essay... which i '... havent started....
it was So gay..... such a gay topic and my friends who dont have to write it were just like ... WHAT???!!!
i have to lie on everything in the paper....:041:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:030: :041: :028: 我的英语啊。。。。。。。。。回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
what topic then?H来了呀.~
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
and how long have u been to the state?not very long.... a little bit over a year...
as u can see on **** Hidden Message *****
sorry use ur main ID to read it some other time..
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:030: :041: :028: 我的英语啊。。。。。。。。。hey ,学校好玩吗?
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
hey ,学校好玩吗?肯定不好玩啊!和你聊天最好:012:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:037: 是啊,刚刚回来饭还没吃呢!
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
what topic then?H来了呀.~
ru ready?
the topic is..
Breaking Free.....
it was so gay!! u know she wants us to compare our desire to break away from something compare to the AMerican colonies' sacrafices under the British Rule and their decision to break away..
i was like....
iam so satisfied with mylife, i dont erally have something to break away from....
and all those time i was thinking is what to write about...
so... having no choice... and after asked several of my friends who are really good at writing, my conclusion is to ...LIE about everything....
pretend im not happy with my life and ....blah...:041:i dont know, thats'such a stupid topic~~
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:012: 不好意思正好相反!发现没人会喜欢我!
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:012: 不好意思正好相反!发现没人会喜欢我!今天我要烦死了,英文老师给我们留一篇变态作文要写。 我10点钟才从外面回来,所以。。。SIGH. 还在写功课。。。。
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
看出来了.The topic is gay.My teacher want us to pick a side "the colonies" or "the British" and write sth. about the Tax Acts.
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
好冷呢...哪里抓个LP.= =+H大叔真的有很多LP么?
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
看出来了.The topic is gay.My teacher want us to pick a side "the colonies" or "the British" and write sth. about the Tax Acts.
:040: thx for understanding me..
i mean...its just... what can i have for desire that CAN compare to america independence....
i cant think of anything... most ppl would think to break away from parents... but i love them dearly.... and besides, "break away" from parents is such an incorrct word to use here...
sigh,,,,, i m gonna jump into the river!Q!! IDKDKDKDKDKDKDKDK:041:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
今天我要烦死了,英文老师给我们留一篇变态作文要写。 我10点钟才从外面回来,所以。。。SIGH. 还在写功课。。。。H乖哟,自己去哪里抓个LP找她聊好了。。。
:030: 抓你可以吗?你当我LP吧!:037: (自动闪人~~~~~~~~~)
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
好冷呢...哪里抓个LP.= =+H大叔真的有很多LP么?
:037: 至于头象的问题你也不是第一个了!还好还好拉:037:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:030: 抓你可以吗?你当我LP吧!:037: (自动闪人~~~~~~~~~)H怎么糊涂了? 抓我当然不可以拉~:037:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:030: 抓你可以吗?你当我LP吧!:037: (自动闪人~~~~~~~~~)昨天啊,还是前天呢。来的时候就发现这个问题了。果然是!*&#$*%@
- ____, -
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
im now on my last paragraph now...you know...just~whatever!