4everluv 发表于 2007-7-2 04:39:30


和English Chatroom不同,在这里是给大家提供一个相互交流英文的地方.也希望尽我们所能帮助大家的提高一点点英语水平。你可以提问,我们回答。
(-16-) [听起来还不是差不多- -]
1. In here, you talk in formal/proper English only, which means using correct word choice, grammar..etc ,well,as best as you can, while in ECR you chat whatever you want as long as your sentences make sense.
2. You are allowed to ask questions in Chinese. Our members will gladly help you if they can. But please please, do not bring your exercise book or something like that and ask tons of questions. Trying to ask others to do your entire homework assignment is FORBIDDEN.
3. Chatting in formal English is still allowed here. ECR is oral English.
4. You can write down your experience about how you have learned or improved English.

The active members who tried their best to answer questions at the end of the every 3 month will be rewarded. It will be either SW or CB ...

Right now I'm taking suggestions. I'm expecting lots of them please - -

Thank you.


每个季度评出一位很积极参与讨论或是热心帮忙回答问题的会员 奖励30CB

[ 本帖最后由 4everluv 于 2007-8-20 15:57 编辑 ]

大肚肚 发表于 2007-7-2 15:08:30

Is there anybody? Learning to speak English formally is a great idea, I think everyone should try this. Hopefully we will improve together!

Mel, what "suggestion" do you mean at the end of your post?

daat1928 发表于 2007-7-2 15:39:07

(-21-) It's a little difficult for me ...

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-2 16:06:10

Great. So you took my suggestions. That is really nice of you to do so. :)

As for suggestions, here is my idea:

A topic can be brought up every week (or month) and those who don't have specific questions can talk about it. In this way, we can study useful words and expressions related to the topic and improve the way we discuss and argue about some common issues.

had no idea what to talk about when I first went into the ECR, and I guess there are plenty of people who have felt and are feeling the same, so I think things maybe better if we have a certain topic. What do you guys think?

Cosine 发表于 2007-7-2 16:22:15

I agree with topics.

Topics can be various, not only about Detective Conan, but also our lives, our studies, our stories......

and you can make some rules such as: If you want to talk about these topics, please write at leastXXXX words, and no chatting.....

sharing is one of the best ways of communication.

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-2 16:32:49

Exactly. There can be topics about current issues also if you guys are interested in things like Yi Jianlian joining NBA or the North Korean nuclear problem.
By the way, if someone writes Conan Fan Fiction in English (or any other languages other than Chinese), maybe we can go intercourse with some foreign Conan sites - that seems pretty far away, though.

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 01:21:04

For 大肚肚: The comma can not connect two sentences, which means that only one verb is allowed to exist in one sentence.
Though I know that it is just a small lapsus calami...possibly.....

For Consine: In the expression 'Topics can be various', the word 'various' should be substituted by the word 'varied'. Do not feel depressed since most students may make the same mistake..(as well as myself....)

It seems that KUDONOYO is an advanced leaner....and could be our teacher~ haha

My suggestion is to READ.
If the quantity of reading is adequate, lots of small problems can be solved gradually and, what may be more attractive, potentially.
So perhaps some of the vanguards can provide something interesting to read, which may be quite good.

I have some of the grammar exercises(approximately 50 pages) for students who will take the NCEE. If anyone need, please send me a messenger or leave your e-mail address. I got the pack from my teacher....
It is our (all of us) responsibility to improve members' English level...I think
As President Hu has claimed, to establish a harmonious 'BBS'~~~~

Many thanks to 4everluv for creating such an opportunity.

PS. Some problems may exist...
apologize in advance.....
Sorry for my assertive statement......

[ 本帖最后由 the_sun 于 2007-7-3 02:15 编辑 ]

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 01:27:05

原帖由 daat1928 于 2007-7-2 15:39 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
(-21-) It's a little difficult for me ...

As the stereotyped adage has suggested,'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
Just DO it~~~

Ange1ica 发表于 2007-7-3 01:58:15

原帖由 大肚肚 于 2007-7-2 02:08 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Is there anybody? Learning to speak English formally is a great idea, I think everyone should try this. Hopefully we will improve together!
Mel, what "suggestion" do you mean at the end of your post? ...

i put "probation" in the title, plus this is totally a new thing. So i guess i need suggestions on how to run this better...

原帖由 KUDONOYO 于 2007-7-2 03:06 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Great. So you took my suggestions. That is really nice of you to do so. :)

As for suggestions, here is my idea:

A topic can be brought up every week (or month) and those who don't have specific ques ...

yes, thanks for your great idea^^ I will consider a topic that is good for all of us.

原帖由 the_sun 于 2007-7-2 12:27 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif

As the stereotyped adage has suggested,'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
Just DO it~~~
yep, just do it, we are here to help^^

原帖由 the_sun 于 2007-7-2 12:21 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
I have some of the grammar exercises(approximately 50 pages) for students who will take the NECC. If anyone need, please send me a messenger or leave your e-mail address. I got the pack from my teacher....
It is our (all of us) responsibility to improve members' English level...I think
As President Hu has claimed, to establish a harmonious 'BBS'~~~~

Many thanks to 4everluv for creating such an opportunity.

PS. Some problems may exist...
apologize in advance.....
Sorry for my assertive statement......

You are welcome. That's what I'm supposed to do here as the moderator: taking good ideas.
what is NECC? but anyways, thanks for your support. your effort is greatly appreciated^^

[ 本帖最后由 Ange1ica 于 2007-7-2 12:59 编辑 ]

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 02:14:50

I will correct it....

SSV 发表于 2007-7-3 02:45:05

So what's the topic?

hiddern70 发表于 2007-7-3 03:09:32

The comma can not connect two sentences, which means that only one verb is allowed to exist in one sentence.
It sounds like the concept of comma splice run-on.....

SSV 发表于 2007-7-3 03:28:37

only one verb is allowed to exist in one sentence.

This is a false statement.

Whoever is good at math, please count the verbs in the following sentence:

"Shortly after the suspect was admitted following Saturday's attack, police confiscated a suspicious item from his body and called for a partial evacuation of the hospital. "

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-3 10:19:11

原帖由 the_sun 于 2007-7-3 02:14 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
I will correct it....

But still.. what is NCEE, please?

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 10:54:03

National College Entrance Exam.....

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 11:00:13

"Shortly after the suspect was admitted following Saturday's attack, police confiscated a suspicious item from his body and called for a partial evacuation of the hospital. "

The first part of the sentence is a time clause (if you have noticed the word 'after').
For the second part, similarly, the linking word 'and' makes sense.

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-3 11:01:23

Ah I see. I've heard about the National College Entrance Exam but not about its abbreviated form.I thought it was National Certification of Electric Engineer.. hahaha.. very far-fetched.

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 11:02:53

Maybe I have gotten what you mean.......

SSV 发表于 2007-7-3 15:22:16

原帖由 the_sun 于 2007-7-3 11:00 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
"Shortly after the suspect was admitted following Saturday's attack, police confiscated a suspicious item from his body and called for a partial evacuation of the hospital. "

The first part o ...

Well done, my friend.

the_sun 发表于 2007-7-3 16:59:05

原帖由 SSV 于 2007-7-3 15:22 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif

Well done, my friend.

Thank you for your praise~~~~(-31-)
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