大肚肚 发表于 2007-7-12 16:25:29

Quote by our great Confucius:
When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.

And a genius cannot be all good, so I don't really care.

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-12 20:56:54

I would rather name this topic "Freaks Around Us", haha.
And yes, Asians are horribly freakish. My roommate got 17 APs...

4everluv 发表于 2007-7-13 04:13:01

the little freaks around us don't seem to have a good social life as others do. Sometimes others just don't understand them|||

lol LS, that's awefully scary.

无情 发表于 2007-7-13 05:53:01

Well, I like it better here.

ECR works well, except it misleads and confuses people who are not yet fluent in English.

In addition, I personally appreciate correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It makes reading much easier.

Thanks, Melv, for providing this.

Ange1ica 发表于 2007-7-13 06:16:13

原帖由 无情 于 2007-7-12 16:53 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Well, I like it better here.

ECR works well, except it misleads and confuses people who are not yet fluent in English.

In addition, I personally appreciate correct grammar, spelling, and punctuati ...
(-14-) I'm touched....

无情 发表于 2007-7-13 06:32:16

Regarding the word "intercourse"

This is something I found worth saying from reading previous posts.

I'd like to point out that the word "intercourse" has more than one meaning and should be used with extreme caution. I do realize that many Chinese-English dictionaries do not include all of its meanings for different reasons; however, not providing all information necessary may lead to very embarrasing misuses of the said word.

1. Dealings or communications between persons or groups.
2. Sexual intercourse.

As you can see, the second meaning is to fuck/to do somebody. Therefore, we usually avoid its usage, and use the word "communicate" instead.

Ange1ica 发表于 2007-7-13 07:00:31

原帖由 无情 于 2007-7-12 17:32 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
This is something I found worth saying from reading previous posts.

I'd like to point out that the word "intercourse" has more than one meaning and should be used with extreme caution. I do realize...

although this is right, i don't think i will ever use that word - -

hiddern70 发表于 2007-7-13 07:28:53

原帖由 Ange1ica 于 2007-7-13 07:00 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif

although this is right, i don't think i will ever use that word - -

Me neither, besides, I don't heard this word very often from people's conversation.

Anyhow, glad to see 57 here. How's everything going?
Also, thanks for you guys' correction. I deeply appriciate.

euh.. complete sentence ..

[ 本帖最后由 hiddern70 于 2007-7-13 08:08 编辑 ]

无情 发表于 2007-7-13 07:59:17

本来我也考虑了一会儿。后来觉得不用它会有人找不到 to do somebody 的含义,故此句。


hiddern:这种情况下应用 Me neither.

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-14 21:00:07

I also found it pretty awkward to use this word in conversation. But my Japanese professor, who is a Japanese American, often uses it in class. Maybe I just get used to it gradually. Who would use this word to stand for sexual activities when they really mean it, anyway?

4everluv 发表于 2007-7-15 04:52:45

原帖由 KUDONOYO 于 2007-7-14 08:00 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
I also found it pretty awkward to use this word in conversation. But my Japanese professor, who is a Japanese American, often uses it in class. Maybe I just get used to it gradually. Who would use thi ...

When you want to say,
there must be some communication between them..

You end up saying
There must be some int******se between them...

it does sound awkward. I just cannot say it

hiddern70 发表于 2007-7-15 11:00:58

I think the word "gay" is another good example for this case.
Mostly, this word means homosexual, especailly in our conversation.

However, this word could also means to have or show a merry, lively mood.
Also, it means given to or abounding in social or other pleasures, such as a gay social season.

rosinia 发表于 2007-7-15 11:18:44

原帖由 4everluv 于 2007-7-15 04:52 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif

When you want to say,
there must be some communication between them..

You end up saying
There must be some int******se between them...

it does sound awkward. I just cannot say it

Yeah, it appears akward.
I helped someone edit his report several weeks ago, he used phrases such as "social intercourse" for "社会交流", it's essentially correct in meaning but wrong in word choice.
Mostly people would avoid such usage, but there's odd ones who either don't understand or just don't care.

无情 发表于 2007-7-16 10:51:53

I just realized that to have sex has the same meaning. For some reason I forgot it when I wrote the last post. I should have used it instead of typing that... Well, it must be all the things I've been reading... Seeing it multiple times changes your reaction to that eff word.

My apologies. I slipped into chat mode by accident.

[ 本帖最后由 无情 于 2007-7-16 10:56 编辑 ]

无情 发表于 2007-7-16 10:53:25

Anyway, it becomes less awkward once you are used to it. Use it many more times, Kudo-san, and chances are we are not going to feel anything.
(-31-) (-31-)

[ 本帖最后由 无情 于 2007-7-16 10:58 编辑 ]

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-18 00:04:21

And that is exactly why I want to avoid it in the first place.
Try to stare at a Chinese character for more than 3 minutes, and it won't look the same any more. You will feel like as though this character did not "look like" itself. Same goes for English word usage.

[ 本帖最后由 KUDONOYO 于 2007-7-18 00:06 编辑 ]

无情 发表于 2007-7-18 03:24:52

Kudo-san: My thoughts exactly.

Anyway, let's start another topic, since this one can be uncomfortable for others, shall we?

How about Harry Potter? From my personal experiences, HP always gets the conversation rolling. ^^

I'm sure some of you watched the movie (5th) already. Why not talk about it? And is anyone lining up outside Chapters (or whatever bookstore you shop at) for the seventh book? I regret to say it, but I am not.

And who are your favourite characters? Hermoine? Ron? Harry? James? Fred and George? The list is endless.

Unfortunately, I don't like Harry. Therefore whenever people ask me if I like Harry Potter, I ask them if they are talking about the book or the character. I don't hate him either. It's just that I cannot relate to him; I don't understand him.

Now onto the piece that always gets me flamed: I like Severus. For those of you who don't know who he is, that's our beloved Potions Master, Severus Snape.

There, I've said it. I like Snape. That's right. He is not my favourite character (that'd be Hermoine), but I still like him.

Okay, now I yield the floor to all you keen conversationists. If you wish to, go ahead and prove to me that Snape isn't worth liking. I am fairly open-minded and may seriously consider not liking him for once. =v=

hiddern70 发表于 2007-7-18 08:49:43

That's a good topic, I just borrow the movie from library yesterday.

KUDONOYO 发表于 2007-7-18 13:49:22

Merlin's beard! I just thought I would talk about something Harry Potter-ish here before I logged in and saw your post! And yea, this is a great topic that gets many people talking in places like forums and colleges.I am so eagerly waiting for the last book of this sequence - I've pre-ordered it online and it will be right on my doorsteps this Saturday.

As for the movie, I'm not really that much into it. I think one of the greatest features of these books is that they are all full of interesting and important details. You never know, maybe when you come across something that seems so unrelated to the main plot, you choose to ignore it; later on, though, you will be amazed by how it comes to play a crucial role in the story. Unfortunately, due to the fact that a movie can't be forty hours long, many fascinating details are cut... and I decided not to watch them any more.

And to Wu Qing, it's Hermione, not Hermoine. Pronounced like Her-my-oh-nee. She's my favorite character also. When I was back in elementary school, my English teacher was an enthusiastic Harry Potter fan and she named the whole class with names from the books. She named herself Sibyl (Trelawney). The name Hermione was given to me. (Harry, Ron and Tom/Voldemort were not given to anyone, though, as far as I can remember.)

As for the Potions Master, there are heated debates about whether he is a friend or a foe everywhere. And my point is - neither. Severus Snape is a typical Slytherin. He works for himself only. Period.

无情 发表于 2007-7-18 21:27:44

hiddern: I envy you. I placed it on hold, and there are about 400 people in queue before me. (-29-)
I'm not going to spend nearly ten dollars to watch it in the theatres, though. It's not worth it.

Kudo-san: What can I say? Great minds think alike. (-32-)

And ah, so it's Hermione. Thanks. I was wondering why mine didn't follow the pronunciation.

I agree, movies rarely do the books justice. Companies have budget limitations and all that. It's simply impossible for them to put everything in, with the material and time given. Therefore I don't expect much from the movies and watch them to see all the actors instead of the plot. (Just as a side note, I really really like the platinum-blonds in the second movie. Ah, the Malfoys...)

Regarding the role of Sanpe, I must say yours is an interesting perspective. Whatever it is, we shall see it in the near future.

Usually I don't mind spoilers, but in this case, I do! If you must discuss the seventh book, please be considerate and include a spoiler warning. Please!
I am not buying the book so I don't know when I can get to read it. So please don't spoil it for me. Thanks!
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