金钱 柯币
人气 ℃
发表于 2004-10-24 16:27:00
回复: [公告]柯哀同盟会成员日记本XD[常来写日记]
Scorpio natives are considered the sexiest of the zodiac signs, but that's because they're associated with the eighth house in the zodiac wheel, which rules sex, death, and transformation, not to mention other people's money. Some Scorpios may be very inward, or need lots of time to themselves. Like the scorpion, they need to regenerate through quiet activities, or just have alone time for thinking. Often, they are deep thinkers who may not seem that way on the outside.
Scorpios are ruled by the element of water, which makes them very sensitive and emotional. Those who are in touch with their emotions may find that they can use them to transform internal situations of upset, anger, or fear, through meditation, yoga, or exercise. They can also transform external situations, by bringing others in touch with their own innate need to feel. Scorpio natives can use these emotions to create beauty around them, or to make vivid fantasies come to life.
And since powerful Pluto rules Scorpio, these people are blessed with the ability to understand death, and that we all must die one day. Far from making this sign overly dark or gloomy (although some may be this way), this knowledge gives Scorpios the tools they need to make each day meaningful. Scorpio natives need to "die" a little bit all the time, and leave behind aspects of their lives that are no longer serving them.
同时,因为强大的冥王星控制着天蝎座,他们被赋予了理解死之真谛的能力,同时明白我们终究会死。这知识是赋予天蝎们的工具,让他们将所拥有的每一天都变得很有意义,并且从而远离死的黑暗和抑郁。天蝎座天生需要自始至终的“牺牲”,把那些不能为他们所用的方面抛掷脑后。 |