回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
I'm so sorry. Actually I have decided to use Chinese as much as I can with you. But right now I'm really helpless with school computers.shall I just leave you alone and let you go to sleep?
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
haha, you sound like a professional English speaker now.im cheering for you, H~
by the way, thank you
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
however, i hope one day, you can speak like that. then it will be truly convenient for me....Do you live with your parents?
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
Why want to say a thanksBecause I would be really bored here. All my friends know the rules of American Football. So they all enjoy it. But i don't. So i choose to stay in the classroom.
I'm so happy that you are still here^^
so, that's why i said thank you
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
but are you sure you dont want to go to sleep? It's not good for your health回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
really? But I want you to sleepseriously... so i will leave
goodnight H
and thanks again
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
if i told u im leaving, then im leaving..i wont answer you until you did what i have asked~ well, sweet dreams~回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
:029:到了水区我才反应过来 1111我开始还以为指的是美国的Veterans's Day呢~
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
MEL is living in which city, I forgot这个问题是会被k的
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
我指的不是那个 那个翻译的东东虽然有差一点 不过我还是看的懂的交流是要用心的 知道他的动机 要明白他在表达什么一点也不难 就和我第一年来到国外一样
我指的是他说他忘了 忘了就该k的
and p.s :029: plz dont use "nin" to me... it feels weird:029: :029: :029:
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
阿恩 咳恩 听见了,你也这么觉得 恩 没错回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
公主今天睡的多吗,我睡的超多,^_^ps i use baidu translation
i'm studying Jap now
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><
You can call her YY, can also call her YY JJ我来帮骑士pia你:002:
to S: call "him" YY
回复: Autumn Love 秋日私语,玩水继续><