Albus Dumbledor 发表于 2006-4-29 09:40:28

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

like this?

sperky 发表于 2006-4-29 09:53:47

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本


hunter 发表于 2006-4-29 10:13:44

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本


恒星 发表于 2006-4-29 21:59:32

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

五一节要到拉....(全是废话.....- -)

千哀 发表于 2006-4-30 03:01:48

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本






我哭我哭我哭……………………………………我对13,16章的会计绝望了……我一道题都不会一道都不会一道都不会…………………………可是期末60%是这两张的!!!!!Dr.Flanigan你杀了我吧…………………………………………还让不让人活了…………………………………………我恨死cash flow了我恨死了我恨死了我恨死了………………………………………………


surasak 发表于 2006-4-30 03:06:04

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本


Rache 发表于 2006-4-30 03:21:33

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本




千哀 发表于 2006-4-30 03:24:21

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

1.  Assume a company uses the indirect method of preparing the Statement of Cash Flow. Below is a list of items.  Indicate how they would be treated in the Cash Flow from Operation.  If it is added to Net Income use the letter A, if it is subtracted use S, and if it is not included in the Operations section, use NA.

__A___ 1. Depreciation Expense

___S__ 2. Gain on the sale of a truck

___S__ 3. Increase in Accounts Payable

___NA__ 4. Purchase of a new truck

___S __ 5. Increase in prepaid rent

__A___ 6. Decrease in inventory

___A__ 7. Amortization of Patent

__S ___8. Decrease in Taxes Payable

2. Use the following codes to indicate how each of the transactions would be reported on the statement of Cash Flow.

     II – Inflow from Investing
     OI – Outflow from investing
     IF – Inflow from Financing
     OF – Outflow from Financing
___OI___Purchased a 1000 share of IBM stock        

___IF___Issued 5000 shares of their own stock

__OI____Purchased a bond of another company

____OF__Repaid a long term Note Payable

____IF__Issued bonds at a face value of $30,000

____OF__Paid Cash Dividends of $2000

__OF____Purchased 500 shares of the company’s own stock in the open market for $4000
____OI__Purchased a machine for $10000

___II___Sold land for $6000

__OI____Purchased a 1000 share of IBM stock
__IF____Issued 5000 shares of their own stock
__OI____Purchased a bond of another company
__OF____Repaid a long term Note Payable
__IF____Issued bonds at a face value of $30,000
__OF____Paid Cash Dividends of $2000
__OF____Purchased 500 shares of the company’s own stock in the open market for $4000
__0I____Purchased a machine for $10000
__II____Sold land for $6000

3. The following account balances for the noncash current assets and current liabilities of Flanigan Company are available:

12-31-98                                12-31-97
Accounts Receivable 43,000             35,000
Inventory          30,000             40,000
Prepaid Rent       17,000             15,000
Accounts Payable   26,000             19,000
Income Taxes Payable 6,000            10,000
Interest Payable   15,000             12,000

Net Income for the year was $40,000.  Depreciation expense is $20,000.  
Determine cash flow from operations.
Net Income                                40,000
AR                                        (8,000)
INV.                                       10,000
PR                                         (2,000)
AP                                         7,000

Net Income              40,000
          +Depreciation      +20,000
          -Increase in A/R   - 8,000
          +Decrease in Inven +10,000
          -Increase in Prepd - 2,000
          +Increase in A/P   + 7,000
          -Decrease in T/P   - 4,000
          +Increase in Int Pay+ 3,000
          Cash Flow from Oper 66,000

4. The following account balances are taken from the records of Martin Corp. for the past two years. Credit balances are in parenthesis.

12-31-99                                     12-31-98
Plant and Equipment     750,000      500,000
Accumulated Deprec.     (160,000)     (200,000)
Patents                   92,000        80,000
Retained Earnings       (825,000)     (675,000)

Other Information:
a.  Net income for the year was $200,000
b.  Depreciation expense on plant and equipment was $50,000
c.  Plant and equipment with an original cost of $150,000 were sold for $64,000.  (Hint you need to T-account Accumulated Depreciation to determine the book value of the equipment.)
d.  Amortization expense on patents was $8,000
e.  Both new plant and equipment and patents were purchased for cash during the year.
Determine the cash flow from Investing Activities.

First you need to understand that some of the information that is given is not relevant to the investing activities.  You do not need Net Income nor do you need to use the Retained Earnings Account. (If you were doing Financing Activities you would use these.)

Next, you need to T account the Plant and Equipment, Accumulated Depreciation, and Patent Accounts.  Plug in the Beginning and Ending Balances.  Then put in everything that you know:  they sold equipment for $150,000, Depreciation this year was $50,000, and amortization of patents was $8,000.  

Now you need to solve for what makes the account balance.
They must have purchased $400,000 of equipment, the asset sold had to have $90,000 of accumulated depreciation, and they must have acquired a new patent in the amount of $20,000.

Investing Activities:
     Purchase of Equipment   -400,000
     Sale of Equipment       + 64,000
     Purchase of Patent      - 20,000
     Cash Used for Investing -356,000

5.  Nordquist Company's net income last year was $33,000. Changes in selected balance sheet accounts for the year appear below:

Increases  (Decreases)
Debit balances:
Accounts receivable .........    $12,000
Inventory ...................     (4,000)
Prepaid expenses ............      8,000
Credit balances:
Accumulated depreciation ....     23,000
Accounts payable ............     14,000
Accrued liabilities .........     (9,000)
Taxes payable ...............       -0-
Deferred taxes ..............      3,000

Based solely on this information, the net cash provided by operations under the indirect method on the statement of cash flows would be:
NI               33,000
AR               (12,000)
INV              4,000
PE               (8,000)
AD               23,000
AP               14,000
AL                (9000)
T                 3000
Net Income                       33,000         
Accounts receivable .........   - 12,000
Inventory ...................   + (4,000)
Prepaid expenses ............   -  8,000
Accumulated depreciation ....   + 23,000
Accounts payable ............   + 14,000
Accrued liabilities .........   _ (9,000)
Taxes payable ...............       -0-
Deferred taxes ..............   +  3,000
Cash Flow from Operations        48,000

6. Last year Marmin Company sold equipment with a net book value of $120,000 for $160,000 in cash. This equipment was originally purchased for $230,000. What will be the net effect of this transaction on the net cash provided by investing activities on the statement of cash flows?
160,000 II

7. The following events occurred last year for the Cashback Company:

Issuance of Common Stock ................  $46,000
Dividends paid to shareholders ..........   11,000
Dividends received from investments .....    4,000
Interest paid on Bonds Payable ..........   14,000
Proceeds from sale of used equipment ....   19,000
Repurchase of preferred stock ...........   10,000

Based solely on the above information, the net cash provided by financing activities for the year on the statement of cash flows was:
Issuance of Common Stock ................  +46,000
Dividends paid to shareholders ..........  -11,000
Repurchase of preferred stock ...........  -10,000
Cash From Financing Activities           +25,000

8. The following transactions occurred last year at Jogger Company:

Issuance of shares of the company's own common stock .. $110,000
Dividends paid to the company's own shareholders ......    3,000
Dividends received from investments in other
companies' shares .............                               4,000
Interest paid on the company's own bonds ..            8,000      ???????????????????
Repayment of principal on the company's own bonds .......100,000
Proceeds from sale of the company's used equipment ...... 29,000
Purchase of land .........................                  170,000

Based solely on the above information, the net cash provided by financing activities for the year on the statement of cash flows would be:

Issuance of shares of the company's own common stock .. +110,000
Dividends paid to the company's own shareholders ...... -  3,000
Repayment of principal on the company's own bonds ......-100,000
Cash flow from Financing Activities                  +  7,000

9. Last year Burbach Company's cash account increased by $10,000.
Net cash provided by investing activities was $16,000. Net cash
used in financing activities was $34,000. On the statement of
cash flows, the net cash flow provided by (used in) operating
activities was:


+10,000 = +16,000 –34,000 + X
X  = 28,000

10. Watley Company's comparative balance sheet and income statement for last year appear below:

             Statement of Financial Position

                                 Ending    Beginning
                                 Balance   Balance
   Cash ....................... $ 27,000  $21,000
   Accounts receivable ........   28,000   35,000
   Inventory ..................   48,000   36,000
   Prepaid expenses ...........    8,000   13,000
   Long-term investments ......  290,000  230,000
   Plant and equipment ........  440,000  440,000
   Accumulated depreciation ... (237,000) 202,000)
     Total assets ............. $604,000  573,000

   Accounts payable ........... $ 47,000 $ 32,000
   Accrued liabilities ........   24,000   16,000
   Taxes payable ..............     -0-    10,000
   Bonds payable ..............  100,000  180,000
   Deferred taxes .............   28,000   17,000
   Common stock ...............   80,000   50,000
   Retained earnings .......... 325,000  268,000
Total liabilities and
owners' equity ........          $604,000 573,000

                Income Statement

      Sales ........................ $770,000
      Less: costs of goods sold .... 350,000
      Gross margin .................  420,000
      Less: operating expenses ..... 260,000
      Net operating income .........  160,000
      Less: income taxes ...........   48,000
      Net income ................... $112,000

The company declared and paid $55,000 in cash dividends during the
year. Prepare a Statement of Cash Flow
NOTE:  Treat the Deferred Taxes as a current liability!!

Watley Company's comparative balance sheet and income statement for last year appear below:

             Statement of Financial Position

                                 Ending    Beginning
                                 Balance   Balance   Change
   Cash ....................... $ 27,000  $21,000         + 6,000
   Accounts receivable ........   28,000   35,000         - 7,000
   Inventory ..................   48,000   36,000         +12,000
   Prepaid expenses ...........    8,000   13,000         - 5,000
   Long-term investments ......  290,000  230,000         +60,000
   Plant and equipment ........  440,000  440,000            0
   Accumulated depreciation ... (237,000) 202,000)   +35,000
     Total assets ............. $604,000  573,000

   Accounts payable ........... $ 47,000 $ 32,000         +15,000
   Accrued liabilities ........   24,000   16,000         + 8,000
   Taxes payable ..............     -0-    10,000         -10,000
   Bonds payable ..............  100,000  180,000         -80,000
   Deferred taxes .............   28,000   17,000         +11,000
   Common stock ...............   80,000   50,000         +30,000
   Retained earnings .......... 325,000  268,000         +57,000
Total liabilities and
owners' equity ........          $604,000 573,000

                Income Statement

      Sales ........................ $770,000
      Less: costs of goods sold .... 350,000
      Gross margin .................  420,000
      Less: operating expenses ..... 260,000
      Net operating income .........  160,000
      Less: income taxes ...........   48,000
      Net income ................... $112,000

The company declared and paid $55,000 in cash dividends during
the year. Prepare a statement of cash flow.

NOTE:  Treat the Deferred Taxes as a current liability!!

One of the first things you should do is T account all the non current accounts:

The first set of T accounts comes directly from the balance sheet. The second set is filled in with the information given or figured out.
1.     Long Term Investments:  Since you have no other information you have to assume that you purchased $60000 of investments.  This will be an investing outflow.
2.     Property Plant and Equipment – no change so they neither purchased nor sold any.
3.     Accumulated Depreciation – Since they did not sell any equipment, the entire change must be do to the current year’s expense.  The $35,000 is added back to net income in the operations section.
4.     Bonds Payable – decreased by $80,000.  They must have paid off some of the bonds.  Financing Outflow.
5.     Common Stock – Increased by $30,000.  They must have issued additional stock.  Financing inflow.
6.     Retained Earnings:  You must put in both the Net Income as an increase and the Dividend paid as a decrease.  The income is used to start the Operations section and the Dividend Paid is a Financing Outflow.

Now you are ready to pull it all together.

Net Income                  $112,000
+ Dec in A/r            + 7,000
- Inc in Inventory      -12,000
+ Dec in Prepaids       + 5,000
+ Inc in A/P            +15,000
+ Inc in Acc Liab       + 8,000
- Dec in Tax Pay        -10,000
+ Inc in Deferred Tax   +11,000
Cash Provided by Oper             +171,000

- Purchase of Equipment -60,000
- 60,000

- Repayment of B/P      -80,000
+ Sale of Stock         +30,000
-Payment of Dividend    -55,000
Cash Used in Financing            -105,000

Change in Cash                    +  6,000

10. Watley Company's comparative balance sheet and income statement for last year appear below:

             Statement of Financial Position

                                 Ending    Beginning
                                 Balance   Balance
   Cash ....................... $ 27,000  $21,000
   Accounts receivable ........   28,000   35,000
   Inventory ..................   48,000   36,000
   Prepaid expenses ...........    8,000   13,000
   Long-term investments ......  290,000  230,000
   Plant and equipment ........  440,000  440,000
   Accumulated depreciation ... (237,000) 202,000)
     Total assets ............. $604,000  573,000

   Accounts payable ........... $ 47,000 $ 32,000
   Accrued liabilities ........   24,000   16,000
   Taxes payable ..............     -0-    10,000
   Bonds payable ..............  100,000  180,000
   Deferred taxes .............   28,000   17,000
   Common stock ...............   80,000   50,000
   Retained earnings .......... 325,000  268,000
Total liabilities and
owners' equity ........          $604,000 573,000

                Income Statement

      Sales ........................ $770,000
      Less: costs of goods sold .... 350,000
      Gross margin .................  420,000
      Less: operating expenses ..... 260,000
      Net operating income .........  160,000
      Less: income taxes ...........   48,000
      Net income ................... $112,000

The company declared and paid $55,000 in cash dividends during the
year. Prepare a Statement of Cash Flow
NOTE:  Treat the Deferred Taxes as a current liability!!



千哀 发表于 2006-4-30 03:26:54

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

第八题,蓝色字体的部分,我怎么都想不通,为什么Interest paid on the company's own bonds 不要放在调整后的finance表格里呢???这是付给自己公司股票的股息阿,难道不是finance activity 么???

有没有大人告诉我啊啊!!! 重谢啊啊啊啊……

Rache 发表于 2006-4-30 03:58:48

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本



至于为什么我可不知道,这貌似还是很久以前秘书告诉我的关于某项经费的合理解释  (我问为什么钱会变多 - -lll)

感慨一下还是理科好 ......

千哀 发表于 2006-4-30 04:19:46

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本



Rache 发表于 2006-4-30 04:27:11

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本






BTW,我是生化实验室的,完全不懂得规划金钱哈 - -lll

snoopy1992 发表于 2006-4-30 06:51:26

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

今天出行至white rock,无限郁闷.


千哀 发表于 2006-4-30 07:48:37

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本


落雪迪 发表于 2006-4-30 09:55:59

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CONAN150022 发表于 2006-4-30 17:07:28

回复: [醒目] 柯哀联盟日记本

%&205 期中考试落下帷幕。。。




谁的马甲 发表于 2006-4-30 19:24:08

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可奈依 发表于 2006-4-30 19:25:25

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sperky 发表于 2006-4-30 19:29:04

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CONAN150022 发表于 2006-4-30 19:45:55

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